Message  Menorahs

Sending Light Out Through the Window

What is it you want the world to know?

Traditional Congregation, Creve Coeur, Missouri

December, 2008


Listening for Haman, Sounding Out the Grogger

Groggers for War and Peace

What sound can ease an angry heart?

JCC of Creve Coeur, Missouri

February, 2010


Drama on the Shabbat Table

An Exhibit of Challah Covers…A Conversation About Rivalries

What rivalries are inherent in the world and how can we mitigate their hurts?

JCC of Creve Coeur, Missouri

May-June, 2011


ARt Salon

In the unsettling time of our quickly changing world, how can we have a conversation about the future in the building of a sukkah wall ?

Please join the ART SALON as we engage the challenge of the fall exhibit: How will you build the walls of your sukkah this year?

Hosted by Naomi Fishman – August 17, 2011




Sukkah City Annex

An exhibit of sukkah walls and the walls’ conversations about boundaries

How will you build the walls of your sukkah this year?

Shaare Emeth – October 7-21, 2011

Encore Showing at St. Louis Art Gallery, January 2012



Sukkah City/Defining and Defying Boundaries

An exhibit of sukkah walls and the walls’ conversations about boundaries

How will you build the walls of your sukkah this year?

WUSTL Campus – October 18-22, 2011
