In the beginning we read that G-d blessed the seventh day and declared it holy because on that day G-d ceased from all the work G-d had done. And then began the work of Man, who was created in the image of G-d. Man created Drama… Sometimes competition brought out the best in human nature.

"Revenge Of The Challa Ghost" by Billha Zussman

The Revenge of the Challa Ghost

With this cartoon I try more humoristic approach to the Challa Cover topic. It is now the Challa which takes control…it becomes almost a ghost which fills a whole house with its presence. But…at night, the wine takes over… (turn the light off, you will understand).

Billha Zussman, The Netherlands

"Surprise" by Naomi Fishman


This challah cover suggests that rivalry could be eased if each person brings their best to the table. After the wine is blessed and mellows everyone with its gift, the challah cover is removed and the aroma of freshly baked challah fills the room.

Naomi Fishman

"The Dream" by Naomi Fishman

The Dream

This artwork is based on the story of the three rings. The wine is like the ring my beloved gave me when I was 15 years old, swooning in love. It was the ring of promise, a gold ring with a diamond chip set in a heart. The challah cover is like the second ring I received when I was 19 years old, excited to build a new world. We shopped for it together, my groom and I. It was a perfect gem; it was the ring to dream on. The challah is like the third ring my husband put on my right index finger when we married, fourteen carat gold, valuable and dependable, safe and secure, from Tiphany’s.

The challah cover is made from the remaining cloth I wove for one daughter’s chuppah and decorated with lace left from the alteration of another daughter’s wedding gown. I think the challah cover can remind us of life’s dreams every week, keeping us on track, moving us, one foot in front of the other, and thus ease the distance between the promise and reality.

Thank you to Berta Goldgaber, who graciously and with much skill brought these important fabrics together.

Naomi Fishman

"Challah Cover Tourism" by Sunny and Phil Brodsky

Challah Cover Tourism

This is the very short version of how we obtained the challah cover from Belmonte Portugal. We drove into town, parked the car, and stated asking people, by pointing to the name of the president of the Jewish community in the Forward newspaper article, where the synagogue was and where we could find the president. Eventually, an old woman hailed a car driving past, saying “Jewish”, meaning Jewish people were driving the car. They took us to the home of the president, who took his key, and drove us to the synagogue, and then to t he home of the woman making challah covers.

Not a word of English was spoken in all of these transactions.

Sunny and Phil Brodsky

For more information go to, January 4, 2008, article written by Rachel Nolan: “After 500 years in Hiding, Jews Bring Prosperity to Iberian Town”

"Patience" by Liam Oiknine


Why do we cover the challah?

I think we cover the challah so that hungry people will not be able to grab the challah and eat it before the blessing is recited. I wove my challah cover so that it would look like an iron fence.

Liam Oiknine