In the beginning we read that G-d blessed the seventh day and declared it holy because on that day G-d ceased from all the work G-d had done. And then began the work of Man, who was created in the image of G-d. Man created Drama. Sometimes competition brought out the best in human nature… Hands, visible and invisible, appeared in many artworks.

"Shabbat Table Strings" by Billha Zussman

The Strings Which Create the Shabat Table

This challah cover is about letters and words that have the potential to create as well as destroy. It is all in our hands. It is about our freedom to choose, the choice to create our world through words we can control.

The fingers which hold the string symbolize the hands which have the power to create worlds, concepts, peace, wars…
The golden hand symbolizes the portion of the Challa separated from the bread dough and put aside for the Cohen.
The golden glove contains also a flour bead so even in the dark we are reminded of this Challa cover message.

Billha Zussman, The Netherlands

"Tikkun Olam in a Challah Cover" by Sharon Coleman

Tikkun Olam in a Challah Cover

The exhibit, meant to explore “rivalries inherent in the world and how we can mitigate its hurts” was an instant inspiration for me. I immediately pictured hands in a circle of prayer. It reminded me of the tradition of touching the challah while saying the blessing. Since I wanted to incorporate all nations, people of all faiths and ethnicities and lifestyles, I painted the hands in rainbow colors. The details were inspired by the Indian custom of painting hands with henna.

Sharon Coleman

"The Locust" by Anonymous

The Locust

This challah cover is more conceptual art than actual object. It is about Mothers, refereeing disputes, children, family, loose ends, and unfinished projects, hurried schedules and other ideas that you may see that I don’t. Maybe it is about what the challah saw on Friday afternoon. Maybe it is just about the mother.


"Israel Blessing Joseph's Sons" by Sara Swinson

Israel Blesses Joseph’s Sons

Artists have long depicted Jacob blessing Joseph’s sons; but Rembrandt never painted himself next to Ephraim—nor did Chagall ever paint himself next to Manasseh. After painting Jacob, Joseph, Ephraim, and Manassah, there was a longing within me to be a part of the family; so I am standing next to Ephraim, looking to all of you.

Paintings, for me, are like visual prayers (sometimes). In this visual prayer, I’m asking for a blessing; waiting; watching; longing and wondering when and how it will unfold.

Sara Swinson